Admission Policy

1. It is the policy of Tualatin Valley Junior Academy to admit students of any race, ethnic background, gender, or religious beliefs who are willing to support the principles and regulations of the school.

2. All student applications will be reviewed by the Administration before acceptance. An applicant's acceptance will be abased on previous academic records and personal references. New students in grades 5-10 must have a personal interview with the principal prior to being accepted.

3. The school reserves the right to evaluate any student before placement in grade level. Student in Kindergarten and First Grade must meet the following age requirements:

Preschool 3 Years Old by Sept. 1

Kindergarten 5 Years Old by Sept. 1

First Grade 6 Years Old by Sept. 1

You may print off the following enrollment information or email TVJA for an enrollment package.

2007-2008 Calendar

K-10 Registration coversheet 08-09

Jr. High Reg. Cover

2009-2010 Enrollment Application

2009-2010 Tuition Fees

2008-2009 Financial Agreement

Volunteer Form

BASE 09-10 Registration

TVJA Medical 08-09

Physical Exam

Physical Exam Form 08-09

2008-2009 AdminCounselor Recommendation

Senior Youth Pastor Recomendation

Teacher Recomnedation

Preschool Reg cover sheet 08-09

2008-2009 Home & School Form.pdf

For more information Please read the School Handbook


To receive an application packet please send in the following information:
Email Address



City, State Zip

Grade Level

Tualatin Valley Academy
21975 SW Baseline Road
Hillsboro, Oregon 97123
Phone Number: (503) 649-5518
Fax Number: (503) 642-7654